Saturday, August 20, 2005

Back to School Special

Well, it is back to school time boys and girls and others. And for the new school year, Sarah B. Miller, my performance & media coordinator, has put together a big promotional campaign to US colleges.

Tina Encarnacion, the woman who does all of my non-web graphic design work, created a wonderful postcard. On the front is this really cool radioactive rainbow sort of design. You can view it at Flickr. On the back is a listing of all the current shows I do and contact info. If you know of someone who would be interested in receiving a post card, e-mail the name and mailing address to Sarah.

Also coming this fall, Roy Steele, a long-term NYC friend of mine and the web designer of create


At 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The card looks fantastic.

I so need to give you some contacts at Indiana University.


At 2:59 AM , Blogger Willie Hewes said...

Nice! Bring me one, ok?

At 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't see your card. It requires one to sign up for an account, which I don't feel like don't doing just to look at a picture.


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